Speedie & Associates has worked on projects all across Arizona from north to south, east to west. In fact, it's rare when a client inquires about a piece of land we haven't touched in some way since our inception in 1980. We've worked for public and private clients, and our resume of projects is expansive.
Whether it's a major highway project or a small retail building, our experienced staff can provide specific technical expertise to address each project's unique challenges.

Yavapai County Criminal Justice Center
Prescott, Arizona
- The project consists of approximately 104,000 gsf of buildings; including a jail (152 beds, intake, booking, administration, food service, laundry, and medical/infirmary), courts (initial appearance, early disposition court, and judicial chambers), support services (clerk of courts, county attorney, public defender, probation), and a small non-custodial building with a co-located mental health screening facility. In addition to the buildings, on-site infrastructure and site improvements on approximately 14 acres will be constructed to provide access and utility service to the buildings.

Maricopa County South Court Tower
Phoenix, Arizona
- The extensive project resulted in a new 695,000 SF, 16-story courthouse building; highly sustainable energy and water efficient; houses 32 courtroom sets and includes central juror assembly for the entire court campus, secure central underground parking for county court judges, central in-custody holding and vehicular sally port for in-custody transfers, underground connection tunnel to the existing tunnel system and pedestrian bridge connecting the new court tower to the existing central court tower, clerk of the court and office support, and judicial chambers.
- Speedie & Associates, Inc. was contracted to provide geotechnical investigation on the site as well as CMT and Special Structural and Architectural Inspection including Structural Steel and Welding, Steel Framing Fireproofing and Fire Stopping, Water Proofing, Roofing and Curtain Wall installation.

Phoenix Municipal Court Facility
Phoenix, AZ
- Seven-story courts facility.

Maricopa County SW Justice Center
Avondale, Arizona
- The Southwest Justice Center is situated on a 14.8-acre site on the NEC of 105th Avenue and West Van Buren Street. The $30 million, 75,757 square foot facility houses four Maricopa County courts.

Graham County Detention Facility
Safford, Arizona
- The 50,000 SF detention facility consists of 248 beds arranged in a podular housing model and features three security levels with separate housing for male and female inmates. Each pod has educational and recreational areas to provide inmates the opportunity to return to society with more resources and skills than when they entered. In addition to the inmate facilities, the facility co-located the Sheriff's offices to improve operational efficiency, minimize inmate movement, and reduce operational costs.

La Palma Correctional Facility
Eloy, Arizona
- The La Palma Correctional Facility is a privately owned and managed medium-security detention center for men, located in Eloy, Pinal County, Arizona, under contract with ICE. The facility opened in 2008, and houses 3060 immigrants.

Fort McDowell Justice Center
Fort McDowell Indian Community
- Geotechnical investigation, analysis and recommendations provided for a new single-story justice center at Fort McDowell.

Queen Creek Municipal Center
Queen Creek, Arizona
- Geotechnical investigation, analysis, and recommendations were provided for the master planning of the Queen Creek Public Safety Administration Building and Fire Station #411. The Public Safety portion of the project will be approximately 35,000 SF at build-out. It will contain facilities for law enforcement administrative functions (briefing and training rooms, locker rooms, interview rooms, property/evidence storage, records storage, holding cells, and an armory.